Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Best Foods For Weight Loss - 10 Best Foods for Weight Loss

What is your favorite food? You may have to say goodbye to it for a little while, but maybe on your weight loss journey, you will find other foods that quickly become your favorite.


The best foods for weight loss are types of foods that will help you to curb cravings, speed up metabolism, ease digestion, and increase energy.

When considering the best foods for weight loss, you should also consider cutting out foods that would inhibit fat cell growth. Be moderate when eating foods with sugar, fat, and processed foods. Beverages are easily overlooked when dieting. Water is the best drink for shedding pounds. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies are great choices to avoid sugar filled drinks. Soda pop and energy drinks are excellent foods for fat cells.

10 Best Foods For Weight Loss

1 .Sprouts. Sprouted beans, vegetables, and seeds, are packed full of nutrients and protein. Sprouts are a quick source of energy. They are digested easily and quickly without using much energy.

2. Cinnamon. The spice cinnamon is helpful in regulating blood sugar. Cinnamon also aids in suppressing the appetite.

3. Grapefruit. Grapefruit has the ability to reduce the appetite and induces lipolysis, which is the process of fat burning.

4. Ginger. Ginger stimulates weight loss through fat burning also. Ginger is calming to the stomach.

5. Peppermint. The use of peppermint can enhance the feeling of fullness. Peppermint is energizing and reduces cravings.

6. Lemon. Lemon is a strong cleanser and it also detoxifies. Lemon supports lipolysis and aids in suppressing the appetite.

7. Nuts. Get your squirrel on and eat plenty of unsalted nuts. Nuts are an excellent source of protein. Protein keeps you feeling full longer.

8. Chia seeds. Eating chia seeds in yogurt or oatmeal is a great way to add protein and omegas to your diet. Chia seeds sustain hydration in your body and are full of protein and all three omegas.

9. Greens. Dark green leafy vegetables and and all green vegetables are excellent sources of minerals and vitamins. They will aid in supplying your blood with the nutrients it needs for energy and metabolism.

10. Fruit. Fresh fruit is cleansing to the body systems and gives you energy. Fruit is an excellent snack to stave off cravings and help you feel full and satisfied.

The best foods for weight loss can be most effective when consumed with daily exercise. Exercise burns fat cells and releases feel good hormones. More energy and weight loss will be the result of exercising and eating right.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shari_Carter/1907330

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Weight Training Diet: How to Build Muscle Mass and Lose Fat

Designing any weight training diet may be one of the most important factors in achieving your body building goals. Some bodybuilders declare that a correctly designed diet plan is responsible for up to 80% of their success.

Weight Training Diet

Many people believe that the simplest way to build lean muscles, particularly if you need to lose some weight as well, is to exercise like crazy and reduce calories. They think that having less and exercising much more will force the body to tap into its fat hold. It is not that simple though.

To begin with, counting calories is only part of necessary eating habits. Designing a perfect bodybuilding nourishment plan is not only about how much to consume.It is important to know when to consume, as well as what kind of food raises our metabolic rate, and which decreases it. Many extreme eating plans promise rapid weight loss through reducing calories intake and also decreasing appetite. The truth is, they put your system into starvation mode and decrease you metabolic rate.

Your current basal metabolic rate (BMR) depends on other factors you'll want to take into account. The most critical are your health, sex, age and our body size. Men normally have more muscle tissue and less fat than girls do, but planning the diet plan is equally important. Another important factor in planning your weight training weight loss program is your lifestyle and work problems; a construction worker needs a different weight training diet as compared to someone who spends hours working at a computer.

Some people think that working out on empty stomach may help them lose weight. Naturally, by eating too much before your workout, you may get stomach cramps so apply common sense. On the other hand, in the event you exercise on an empty stomach, your body goes directly to muscle tissue for fuel, instead of excess fat. You will end up fatigued and finally quit exercising completely because it will probably be too hard.

Additionally, our body needs fuel for other crucial functions like breathing, circulating blood, creating heat, growing hair and nails, developing and repairing cells, along with proper functioning of the coronary heart, lungs, nervous system, and other bodily organs.

The best thing you can do is to eat a normal meal before exercising as well as giving yourself enough time between eating and going to the fitness center. The best and the safest solution to create an optimal weight training diet and sticking to it, is to to follow qualified advice and maintain a food journal.

You will find formulas you can use to calculate weight training diet that will be the most effective for your body type, gender plus your level of activity. They make designing the program much easier.

Putting all your increased exposure of exercise and neglecting diet is a big mistake that can prevent you from achieving real results in smaller time. No matter how critical your weight program, the weight instruction diet can make all the difference.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Raymond_Anthony/169969

Friday, July 29, 2016

5 Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Most people try to burn stomach fat by doing crunches or sit-ups. This is not the way to go. You can burn stomach fat by doing exercises that target other muscle groups as well. In fact, it can be more effective.

Dumbbell Exercises

This is why I want to share with you the following 5 dumbbell exercise to lose belly fat. They can prove to be an excellent addition to your workouts and help you get awesome results quickly.

Chest presses

Lie on a workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells with bent elbows by your chest. With both hands, press the dummbells upward until your arms are completely straight. Exhale during the press. Bring the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position. This is primarily a chest exercise but it will burn fat from your entire body.


Doing squats is hard with or without dumbbells. The extre weight just makes this exercise that much harder to perform. Make sure to use weight which doesn't force you to break the right form and don't go into squats that are too deep for your own good.

Bicep Curls on a bosu ball

While a bicep curl targets the biceps, an easy way to add a little abdominal strain to it is to stand on a bosu ball while performing the exercise. Standing on a bosu ball requires you to use the stabilizing muscles in your abs so you're getting a double benefit from this exercise. You do the curl in the ordinary way: just curl the dumbbells up with your biceps. Make sure to not tilt your body or use your back to pull the dumbbell.

Crunch with dumbbell

One way to make a stomach exercise harder with dumbbells is to do a crunch with it. There are two ways you can use a dumbbell to make this exercise harder: hold it behind your head or place it on your chest.

I recommend placing the dumbbell on your chest as holding it against your head may cause you to bend it forward, straining your neck. Other than that, you do the crunch regularly.

Stability ball exercises

Similarly to a bosu ball, a stability ball also helps to bring your stabilizing muscles into the action. You lie on the ball and can do a wide range of exercises to target your chest, back, triceps and shoulders. These can include lying tricep extensions, chest flies, and so on.

As you can see, you have many choices. Make the most of them in your workouts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959